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Master Snowflake DSA-C02 Exam with Reliable Practice Questions

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Question 1

Performance metrics are a part of every machine learning pipeline, Which ones are not the performance metrics used in the Machine learning?

Correct : D

Every machine learning task can be broken down to either Regression or Classification, just like the performance metrics.

Metrics are used to monitor and measure the performance of a model (during training and testing), and do not need to be differentiable.

Regression metrics

Regression models have continuous output. So, we need a metric based on calculating some sort of distance between predicted and ground truth.

In order to evaluate Regression models, we'll discuss these metrics in detail:

* Mean Absolute Error (MAE),

* Mean Squared Error (MSE),

* Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE),

* R (R-Squared).

Mean Squared Error (MSE)

Mean squared error is perhaps the most popular metric used for regression problems. It essentially finds the average of the squared difference between the target value and the value predicted by the regression model.

Few key points related to MSE:

* It's differentiable, so it can be optimized better.

* It penalizes even small errors by squaring them, which essentially leads to an overestimation of how bad the model is.

* Error interpretation has to be done with squaring factor(scale) in mind. For example in our Boston Housing regression problem, we got MSE=21.89 which primarily corresponds to (Prices).

* Due to the squaring factor, it's fundamentally more prone to outliers than other metrics.

Mean Absolute Error (MAE)

Mean Absolute Error is the average of the difference between the ground truth and the predicted values.

Few key points for MAE

* It's more robust towards outliers than MAE, since it doesn't exaggerate errors.

* It gives us a measure of how far the predictions were from the actual output. However, since MAE uses absolute value of the residual, it doesn't give us an idea of the direction of the error, i.e. whether we're under-predicting or over-predicting the data.

* Error interpretation needs no second thoughts, as it perfectly aligns with the original degree of the variable.

* MAE is non-differentiable as opposed to MSE, which is differentiable.

Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)

Root Mean Squared Error corresponds to the square root of the average of the squared difference between the target value and the value predicted by the regression model.

Few key points related to RMSE:

* It retains the differentiable property of MSE.

* It handles the penalization of smaller errors done by MSE by square rooting it.

* Error interpretation can be done smoothly, since the scale is now the same as the random variable.

* Since scale factors are essentially normalized, it's less prone to struggle in the case of outliers.

R Coefficient of determination

R Coefficient of determination actually works as a post metric, meaning it's a metric that's calcu-lated using other metrics.

The point of even calculating this coefficient is to answer the question ''How much (what %) of the total variation in Y(target) is explained by the variation in X(regression line)''

Few intuitions related to R results:

If the sum of Squared Error of the regression line is small => R will be close to 1 (Ideal), meaning the regression was able to capture 100% of the variance in the target variable.

Conversely, if the sum of squared error of the regression line is high => R will be close to 0, meaning the regression wasn't able to capture any variance in the target variable.

You might think that the range of R is (0,1) but it's actually (-,1) because the ratio of squared errors of the regression line and mean can surpass the value 1 if the squared error of regression line is too high (>squared error of the mean).

Classification metrics

Classification problems are one of the world's most widely researched areas. Use cases are present in almost all production and industrial environments. Speech recognition, face recognition, text classification -- the list is endless.

Classification models have discrete output, so we need a metric that compares discrete classes in some form. Classification Metrics evaluate a model's performance and tell you how good or bad the classification is, but each of them evaluates it in a different way.

So in order to evaluate Classification models, we'll discuss these metrics in detail:


Confusion Matrix (not a metric but fundamental to others)

Precision and Recall




Classification accuracy is perhaps the simplest metric to use and implement and is defined as the number of correct predictions divided by the total number of predictions, multiplied by 100.

We can implement this by comparing ground truth and predicted values in a loop or simply utilizing the scikit-learn module to do the heavy lifting for us (not so heavy in this case).

Confusion Matrix

Confusion Matrix is a tabular visualization of the ground-truth labels versus model predictions. Each row of the confusion matrix represents the instances in a predicted class and each column represents the instances in an actual class. Confusion Matrix is not exactly a performance metric but sort of a basis on which other metrics evaluate the results.

Each cell in the confusion matrix represents an evaluation factor. Let's understand these factors one by one:

* True Positive(TP) signifies how many positive class samples your model predicted correctly.

* True Negative(TN) signifies how many negative class samples your model predicted correctly.

* False Positive(FP) signifies how many negative class samples your model predicted incorrectly. This factor represents Type-I error in statistical nomenclature. This error positioning in the confusion matrix depends on the choice of the null hypothesis.

* False Negative(FN) signifies how many positive class samples your model predicted incorrectly. This factor represents Type-II error in statistical nomenclature. This error positioning in the confu-sion matrix also depends on the choice of the null hypothesis.


Precision is the ratio of true positives and total positives predicted


A Recall is essentially the ratio of true positives to all the positives in ground truth.

Precision-Recall tradeoff

To improve your model, you can either improve precision or recall -- but not both! If you try to re-duce cases of non-cancerous patients being labeled as cancerous (FN/type-II), no direct effect will take place on cancerous patients being labeled as non-cancerous.


The F1-score metric uses a combination of precision and recall. In fact, the F1 score is the harmonic mean of the two.

AUROC (Area under Receiver operating characteristics curve)

Better known as AUC-ROC score/curves. It makes use of true positive rates(TPR) and false posi-tive rates(FPR).

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Question 2

Which type of Python UDFs let you define Python functions that receive batches of input rows as Pandas DataFrames and return batches of results as Pandas arrays or Series?

Correct : C

Vectorized Python UDFs let you define Python functions that receive batches of input rows as Pandas DataFrames and return batches of results as Pandas arrays or Series. You call vectorized Py-thon UDFs the same way you call other Python UDFs.

Advantages of using vectorized Python UDFs compared to the default row-by-row processing pat-tern include:

The potential for better performance if your Python code operates efficiently on batches of rows.

Less transformation logic required if you are calling into libraries that operate on Pandas Data-Frames or Pandas arrays.

When you use vectorized Python UDFs:

You do not need to change how you write queries using Python UDFs. All batching is handled by the UDF framework rather than your own code.

As with non-vectorized UDFs, there is no guarantee of which instances of your handler code will see which batches of input.

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Question 3

Which metric is not used for evaluating classification models?

Correct : C

The four commonly used metrics for evaluating classifier performance are:

1. Accuracy: The proportion of correct predictions out of the total predictions.

2. Precision: The proportion of true positive predictions out of the total positive predictions (precision = true positives / (true positives + false positives)).

3. Recall (Sensitivity or True Positive Rate): The proportion of true positive predictions out of the total actual positive instances (recall = true positives / (true positives + false negatives)).

4. F1 Score: The harmonic mean of precision and recall, providing a balance between the two metrics (F1 score = 2 * ((precision * recall) / (precision + recall))).

Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) are metrics used to evaluate a Regression Model. These metrics tell us how accurate our predictions are and, what is the amount of deviation from the actual values.

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Question 4

You previously trained a model using a training dataset. You want to detect any data drift in the new data collected since the model was trained.

What should you do?

Correct : A

To track changing data trends, create a data drift monitor that uses the training data as a baseline and the new data as a target.

Model drift and decay are concepts that describe the process during which the performance of a model deployed to production degrades on new, unseen data or the underlying assumptions about the data change.

These are important metrics to track once models are deployed to production. Models must be regularly re-trained on new data. This is referred to as refitting the model. This can be done either on a periodic basis, or, in an ideal scenario, retraining can be triggered when the performance of the model degrades below a certain pre-defined threshold.

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Question 5

Which tools helps data scientist to manage ML lifecycle & Model versioning?

Correct : A, B

Model versioning in a way involves tracking the changes made to an ML model that has been previously built. Put differently, it is the process of making changes to the configurations of an ML Model. From another perspective, we can see model versioning as a feature that helps Machine Learning Engineers, Data Scientists, and related personnel create and keep multiple versions of the same model.

Think of it as a way of taking notes of the changes you make to the model through tweaking hyperparameters, retraining the model with more data, and so on.

In model versioning, a number of things need to be versioned, to help us keep track of important changes. I'll list and explain them below:

Implementation code: From the early days of model building to optimization stages, code or in this case source code of the model plays an important role. This code experiences significant changes during optimization stages which can easily be lost if not tracked properly. Because of this, code is one of the things that are taken into consideration during the model versioning process.

Data: In some cases, training data does improve significantly from its initial state during model op-timization phases. This can be as a result of engineering new features from existing ones to train our model on. Also there is metadata (data about your training data and model) to consider versioning. Metadata can change different times over without the training data actually changing. We need to be able to track these changes through versioning

Model: The model is a product of the two previous entities and as stated in their explanations, an ML model changes at different points of the optimization phases through hyperparameter setting, model artifacts and learning coefficients. Versioning helps take record of the different versions of a Machine Learning model.

MLFlow & Pachyderm are the tools used to manage ML lifecycle & Model versioning.

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