Which of the following is the proper FULL syntax to describe a workflow task using the std.hrtp action to access a url using the GET method?
Correct : A
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Which of the following commands allows the action associated with a task to be run multiple times over a list of items?
Correct : A
According to the Mistral Workflow Language (v2) documentation1, which is one of the technologies that can be used in a NSP workflow2,with-itemsis a task property that allows the action associated with a task to be run multiple times over a list of items1. The syntax for using with-items is:
You need to replace
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Which of the following timing attributes will halt the entire workflow and require user intervention to proceed?
Correct : D
This attribute specifies a manual approval step before executing a task1. The other attributes will either delay or abort the execution of a task, but not halt the entire workflow.
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Which input is optional when using the std.ssh action to access a remote server?
Correct : A
the input that is optional when using the std.ssh action iscmd.This parameter specifies the command to be executed on the remote server1.If this parameter is not provided, the action will only establish an SSH connection with the remote server and return its output1. The other parameters are required to authenticate and connect to the remote server.
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Based on the exhibit, which attribute of the target-component determines the component name displayed in the UI?
Correct : A
According to the NSP Network Services Platform Release 20.9 User Guide1, the attribute of the target-component that determines the component name displayed in the UI isi18n-text.
The i18n-text attribute specifies a key for a localized text string that is displayed as a label for this component in the UI. The actual text string is retrieved from a resource bundle file based on the user's locale.
For example, if i18n-text is ''Port Id'', then the UI will display ''Port Id'' as the component name.
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