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Master Dell EMC D-ISM-FN-23 Exam with Reliable Practice Questions

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Last exam update: Jan 06,2025
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Question 1

Which layer of modern data center architecture specifies the measures that help an organization mitigate downtime impact due to planned and unplanned outages?

Correct : B

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Question 2

Which standard provides lossless transport to an FCoE Ethernet network?

Correct : D

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Question 3

What is a function of the metadata service in an OSD storage system?

Correct : A

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Question 4

A company finance department needs 250GB of storage for their business applications. A LUN is created with 250GB, and RAID 1 protection. The LUN is configured to support application I/O performance.

If storage cost is $2 per GB, what is the chargeback amount to the department for application storage?

Correct : A

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Question 5

Which block storage device protocol achieves the optimal cost-effective balance between I/O performance and high storage capacity for midrange storage applications?

Correct : A

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